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Forum Comments

My first try on Nyonya Belanda Sauce
In Recipes and Cooking
Steve's Asian food trip and learning to cook
In Recipes and Cooking
Victor Khoo
May 30, 2022
Wow Steve! That is very interesting. Your story and your passion in food and cooking Asian food. Glad to have you on this forum. I wish the other members will share their experience and their journey on how they got started in cooking. For me, I grew up watching my mother in the kitchen, followed her to the wet market. The house I grew up is literally 5 minutes walk from the wet market. My mother is a traditionally housewife. A full time job. She walked to the market daily in the morning to get ingredients to cook for us and put on the table on the day. That was my introduction to food as a kid. I started to cook when I was studying in the United States with a group of Malaysian friends in a shared apartment. That was in the late 1`970s. Malaysians love food and eating. Missing the food back home, we have no choice but to learn to cook. Some better than the others. But we had good laugh and communal feed among us, and missing home. I got more serious in cooking when started my own Malaysian restaurant in a country town in Tasmania, almost 20 years ago. It was the best time I ever had in terms of work. Self taught just like you. A great experience. Lots of hard work and not enough money. So I went back doing my full time job as a senior project manager in IT consulting. After that, I started food blogging, was my first blog. I started creating YouTube content during the lockdown in April 2020. I wasn't working. Can't travel. Nothing else to do being stuck at home. With a small flimsy tripod and a point and shoot camera, I decided to mount on my kitchen bench, and randomly shot a video and post on YouTube. It wasn't until a couple of months later that I told myself that I quite enjoy doing it. Started watching other YouTube creators on how to prop a set in the kitchen, setting for the camera, post production edit the video..etc, to improve on the quality content of my videos. I am, by no way an expert in cooking. I am happy to share any cooking experience, food I cooked at home, and recipes that I learnt along the way. I am not a professional trained chef but a self taught cook, blogger, and YouTube creator. Now that I am retired, I can focus on my website and create new posts. Cheers, Victor

Victor Khoo

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